ESERO uses space related context and the genuine fascination felt by young people for space to engage them in STEM subjects. ESERO also highlights the associated applications from space and raises awareness of the large range of career possibilities in the space domain.
ESERO is an education project of the European Space Agency (ESA), co-funded by ESA and Research Ireland in active fields of education and space.
The ESERO objectives are to use Space as a context:
- to enhance the literacy and competence of young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
- to motivate and enable young Europeans to pursue a career in the STEM field, in the space domain in particular.
- to increase young people’s awareness of the importance of space research, exploration and applications in modern society and economy.
ESERO Ireland plans to achieve these objectives by
- Sharing good practice, and space-related teaching and learning workshops and resources with teachers.
- Using and disseminating existing ESA/ESERO education materials, and if appropriate, develop scientific resources tailored to the needs of the education community.
- Including space as a theme in the existing Science Foundation Ireland Education and Public Engagement programmes such as SFI Curious Minds and Smart Futures.
- Providing a point of contact for teachers, lecturers and others seeking information about space education and careers
- Raising the European Space Agency’s (ESA) profile and foster general awareness within the education community and the public of the ESA’s work and Ireland’s involvement in the space industry.
- Motivating students to pursue a career in science and in space-related fields in particular.
- Fostering links with industry groups and public sector organisations that are participating in the space sector in Ireland.
ESERO Ireland was established as part of the ESA Education initiative aimed at teachers. Find out more about ESERO