ESA Education introduces ‘Teach with Rosetta’
October 1, 2014
ESERO Ireland
ESA Education is proud to present  ‘Teach with Rosetta,’ a new dedicated website filled with information, classroom resources and student activities that link school sciences to Rosetta, ESA’s historic mission to comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko. The Teach with Rosetta minisite offers classroom material suitable for both primary and secondary schools, information about the Rosetta mission and comets, links to Rosetta’s breaking news, images and videos, as well as educational resources for children’s play time. In the next weeks and months ESA Education will be regularly publishing new resources.  In particular, today’s release includes the two first classroom resources for secondary schools taken from ESA’s new ‘Teach with space’ collection: Marble-ous ellipses and Cooking a comet. These two resources consist of a teacher’s guide, student activities, and an accompanying video that covers curricular subjects such as physics and chemistry. Visit the website: Teach with Rosetta