Calling all aspiring teen scientists, we have a summer camp for you!
The AstroLands team at I-LOFAR, an initiative of TCD, are delighted to announce that we will be running our virtual Red Giant Astro Camp this summer about all things space. The camp will include a wide range of new activities, talks from researchers and people who work in the field, and lots more engaging content – all brought to you through your computer screen!
Each Astro Camper will be sent out a pack with all the materials needed for the week so they can be fully immersed in a fun learning environment from home. Each day of the camp will follow a different theme so Astro Campers will be expanding their knowledge interactively day by day. This camp, tailored to young teenagers, will draw from what students already know about Earth and Space from their science class, and expand their knowledge and interests beyond the school books. Space may be infinite but space at our Astro Camp is not so get booking, you won’t want to miss this!
Who? The Red Giant Astro Camp is suitable for ages 13 to 15, or any secondary school students who are in or have just finished Junior Cycle – 1st, 2nd and 3rd years.
When? 11th – 13th August, 10:00 – 13:00 each day.
Cost? FREE! A €25 deposit is required to secure a place. This will be returned after the student has attended the camp or sufficient notice of cancellation is given.
Deposit charge waived for Frontline workers and those who have had their wage affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please get in touch by email Correspondence treated in strictest confidence.
Apply: Go to for more details and to apply. A computer or laptop with internet access is required for the camps. The sessions will be run over Microsoft Teams and will only use free computer applications.
Email with any questions or queries you may have.