F2F Summer Course Dublin – Climate Science Champions with Curious Minds/ESERO and SEAI
Primary Level

During this course we will help you as a teacher to teach children about climate change, in a hands-on and practical way through inquiry-based learning.  We will look at the science behind climate change and the role of space exploration in understanding our planet and its processes. You will learn how to teach about this important topic in a positive and solutions focused way.

The course looks at the links between climate change and wellbeing by connecting children with the natural world and involving them in simple positive changes in school and at home. The course has links to SESE, with integration of other curriculum areas such as numeracy and literacy.

The course will make use of a range of resources from Discover Primary Science and Maths (DPSM), the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Course date: 1st-5th 2024

Times:  9:30am to 2pm

Course type: In person course at Airfield Estate

Cost:  €50 and you can register to join the course here.

Course level: For teachers of Junior infants to 6th class (inclusive)

This course is approved by DES and EPV days are available on completion