EIRSAT-1 Secondary School Supports
Do this in your own time
Post Primary Level

After years of development with the support of the ESA Education programme, the Educational Irish Research Satellite 1 (EIRSAT-1) is set to launch in November, marking Ireland’s first steps into space.

Bring the excitement and learning into your classroom with bespoke Educational resources developed in collaboration with OIDE the support service for teachers and school leaders of Ireland, funded by the Department of Education. Here you will find a series of resources inspired by the launch of Ireland’s first satellite and adapted from classroom resources developed by the European Space Agency (ESA).

These activities mainly relate to the ‘Earth and Space’ strand of the Junior cycle science curriculum, as well as catering to a wide range of topics across

Science , Ty Modules, Physics, Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Technology, Design & Communication Graphics, Computer Science and Coding Short course for JC


A look inside EIRSAT-1:

Discover the innovative technologies and solutions onboard the ERISAT-1 through a selection on posters showcasing the CubeSat subsystems.

V2 EIRSAT POSTERS Pt 1.pptx (1).pdf

V2 EIRSAT POSTER Pt2.pptx (1).pdf


Useful links: