The course will provide teachers with a rich and varied learning experience through encouraging the use of hands-on practical activities, digital and outdoor learning and cross curricular themes. Teachers will gain knowledge of the STEM areas of Astronomy, Biodiversity and Engineering, and sources of Irish data for Maths integration in STEM projects. They will also be introduced to tools and practical techniques to these topics to their pupils in an engaging manner. In this way, the course learning will benefit both participants and their pupils.
All our courses require broadband Internet access and participants need to be familiar with using the internet, downloading and installing software.
Delivered online, this course can be taken anytime between July 1st and August 16th, 2024. Participants are required to engage meaningfully with online content for approximately 20 hours. Whilst participation and engagement with the course content will be primarily judged on the quality of their contributions, an attendance roll will be kept and a log of their time spent working online.
Duration: About 20 hours
Course type: Online Course
Course level: For teachers of primary school students
Course author: Una Halpin
Cost: €25.
For more info on course objectives and expected outcomes, click here.